In the United States, the international bankers have come in for a great deal of criticism by a wide variety of individuals who have held high offices of public trust – men whose opinions are worthy of note and whose responsibilities placed them in positions where they knew what was going on behind the scenes in politics and high finance.
President Andrew Jackson, condemned the international bankers as a “den of vipers”. Jackson claimed that if only the American people understood how these vipers operated, “there would a revolution before morning”.
Congressman Louis T. McFadden, who served as chairman of the Banking and Currency Committee, stated that the international bankers are a “dark crew of financial pirates who would cut a man’s throat to get a dollar out of his pocket”.
Were these leading public figures correct in their assessment of the situation, or were they the victims of some exotic form of paranoia?
The American upper class is the wealthiest layer of society in the United States. People of this class commonly have immense influence in the nation’s political and economic institutions as well as public opinion.
The main distinguishing feature of this class, estimated to constitute roughly 1% of the population, is the source of income. While the vast majority of people derive their income from wages, those in the upper class derive their income from investments and capital gains.
The members of the tiny capitalist class at the top of the hierarchy have an influence on economy and society far beyond their numbers. They make investment decisions that open or close employment opportunities for millions of others.
Upper class parents enroll their children in prestigious schools and private colleges. They also have traditionally joined exclusive clubs or fraternities. Students at Yale University created the Skull and Bones social club, a secret society that had members such as George H. W. Bush and John Kerry.
Old money is “the inherited wealth of established upper-class families”. The term typically describes a class of the rich who have been able to maintain their wealth over multiple generations, often referring to perceived members of the de facto aristocracy in societies that historically lack an officially established aristocratic class (such as the US).
“Old money” applies to those of the upper class whose wealth separates them from lower social classes. The lower-upper were those that did not come from traditionally wealthy families. They earned their money from investments and business rather than inheritance.
The Rothschild family, as an example, established finance houses across Europe from the 18th century and was ennobled by the Habsburg Emperor and Queen Victoria. Throughout the 19th century, they controlled the largest fortune in the world, in today’s terms many hundreds of billions, if not in trillions (US$).
The family has, at least to some extent, maintained its wealth for over two centuries. The Rothschilds were not, however, considered “old money” by their British counterparts. In Britain, the term generally exclusively refers to the landed gentry, usually the aristocracy and nobility who traditionally live off the land inherited paternally.
Europe, towards the end of the eighteenth century or at the time of the American Revolution, was very different from what we know in the same area today. It was composed of a combination of large and small kingdoms, duchies and states.
It was during this period of time that a young man appeared on the European scene; his name was Mayer Amschel Bauer. In later years his name, which he had changed, became synonamous with wealth, power and influence. He was the first of the Rothschilds – the first truly international banker!
Born in Frankfurt in Germany in 1743, Mayer Amschel Bauer showed that he possessed immense intellectual ability, and his father spent much of his time teaching him everything he could about the money lending business.
Though they control scores of industrial, commercial, mining and tourist corporations, not one bears the name Rothschild. Being private partnerships, the family houses never need to publish a single public balance sheet, or any other report of their financial condition
The Rothschilds have gone to great lengths to create the impression that they operate within the framework of ‘democracy.’ This posture is calculated to lead people away from the fact that their real aim is the elimination of all competition and the creation of a world-wide monopoly. Hiding behind a multitude of ‘fronts’, they have done a masterful job of deception.
The Big Bankers in Europe – the Rothschilds and their cohorts – viewed the wonderful results borne by this unique experiment from an entirely different perspective; they looked upon it as a major threat to their future plans.
The Times of London stated: “If that mischievous financial policy which had its origin in the North American Republic should become indurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off its debts and be without a debt.
It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.”
The Rothschilds and their friends sent in their financial termites to destroy America because it was becoming “prosperous beyond precedent.”
The first documentable evidence of Rothschild involvement in the financial affairs of the United States came in the late 1820s and early 1830s when the family, fought to defeat Andrew Jackson’s move to curtail the international bankers.
The Rothschilds lost the first round when in 1832, President Jackson vetoed the move to renew the charter of the ‘Bank of the United States’ (a central bank controlled by the international bankers). In 1836 the bank went out of business.
In the years following Independence, a close business relationship had developed between the cotton growing aristocracy in the South and the cotton manufacturers in England. The European bankers decided that this business connection was America’s Achilles Heel.
The southern states swarmed with British agents. These conspired with local politicians to work against the best interests of the United States. Their carefully sown and nurtured propaganda developed into open rebellion and resulted in the secession of South Carolina on December 29, 1860. Within weeks another six states joined the conspiracy against the Union, and broke away to form the Confederate States of America.
Shortly thereafter Abraham Lincoln became President, being inaugurated on March 4, 1861. Lincoln immediately ordered a blockade on Southern ports, to cut off supplies that were pouring in from Europe.
In December, 1861, large numbers of European Troops (British, French and Spanish) poured into Mexico. This, together with widespread European aid to the Confederacy strongly indicated that the Crown was preparing to enter the war.
Lincoln appealed to the Crown’s perennial enemy, Russia, for assistance. Unannounced, a Russian fleet steamed into New York harbor on September 24, 1863. The Russian Pacific fleet arrived in San Francisco on October 12.
History reveals that the Rothschilds were heavily involved in financing both sides in the Civil War. Lincoln put a damper on their activities when, in 1862 and 1863, he refused to pay the exorbitant rates of interest demanded by the Rothschilds and issued constitutionally-authorized, interest free United States notes.
Having consolidated their financial grip on most of the European nations by the middle of the 19th century, the international bankers worked feverishly to extend their sphere of influence to the ends of the earth in preparation for their final assault on the United States.
In the decades that followed it became apparent that, in order to achieve their goal of world domination, they would have to instigate a series of world wars which would result in leveling of the old world in preparation for the construction of the New World Order.
The first world war was to be fomented in order to destroy Czarist Russia – and to place that vast land under the direct control of Illuminati agents. Russia was then to be used as a ‘bogey man’ to further the aims of the Illuminati worldwide.
World War II was to be fomented through manipulation of the differences that existed between the German Nationalists and the Political Zionists. This was to result in an expansion of Russian influence and the establishment of a state of Israel in Palestine.
The Third World War was planned to result from the differences stirred up by Illuminati agents between the Zionists and the Arabs. The conflict was planned to spread worldwide.
The llluminati plan for world conquest, was a diabolical masterpiece of Luciferian ingenuity that would take the lives of hundreds of millions. This plan has been adapted by the international bankers to amass vast fortunes in real estate.
Undaunted by their initial failures to destroy the United States, the international bankers pursued their objective with relentless zeal. Between the end of the Civil War and 1914, their main agents in the United States were Kuhn, Loeb and Co. and the J. P. Morgan Co.
In 1867, they established Kuhn, Loeb and Co., bankers, in New York City, and took in a young German immigrant, Jacob Schiff. After ten years, Jacob Schiff was head of Kuhn, Loeb and Co.
Schiff’s “important financial connections in Europe” were the Rothschilds and their German representatives, the M. M. Warburg Company of Hamburg and Amsterdam.
Within twenty years the Rothschilds, through their Warburg-Schiff connection, had provided the capital that enabled John D. Rockefeller to greatly expand his Standard Oil empire. They also financed the activities of Edward Harriman (Railroads) and Andrew Carnegie (Steel).
At the turn of the 20th century the Rothschilds, not satisfied with the progress being made by their American operations, sent one of their top experts, Paul Moritz Warburg, over to New York to take direct charge of their assault upon the only true champion of individual liberty and prosperity – the United States.
Shortly thereafter, the United States plunged into a monetary crisis that had all the earmarks of a skilfully-planned Rothschild ‘job.’ The ensuing panic financially mined tens of thousands of innocent people across the country – and made billions for the banking elite.
The purpose for the ‘crisis’ was two-fold:
(1) To make a financial ‘killing’ for the Insiders, and (2) To impress on the American people the ‘great need’ for a central bank.
Paul Warburg told the Banking and Currency Committee: “In the Panic of 1907, the first suggestion I made was, ‘let us have a national clearing house’ [Central Bank]. The Aldrich Plan [for a Central Bank] contains many things that are simply fundamental rules of banking. Your aim must be the same….”
Digging deep into their bag of deceitful practices, the international bankers pulled off their greatest coup to date – the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve System, which placed control of the finances of the United States securely in the hands of the power-crazed money monopolists. Paul Warburg became the ‘Fed’s’ first chairman!
Congressman Charles Lindbergh put his finger firmly on the truth when he stated, just after the ‘Federal’ Reserve Act was passed by a depleted Congress on December 23, 1913: “The Act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President [Wilson] signs this Bill, the invisible government of the monetary power will be legalized….The greatest crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency bill.”
Payseur Family History
Fritz Springmeier – Bloodlines of Illuminati
The Rothschild Dynasty
The Disney Story
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